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Esophageal ManometryOur Services
What is the purpose of esophageal manometry?

Esophageal manometry is a test to measure the strength and function of the swallowing muscles of your esophagus (“food pipe”) and the sphincter muscles forming the barrier between your esophagus and your stomach. This is often performed when patients experience difficulty swallowing (dysphagia) or chronic acid reflux symptoms. In these cases, checking how the esophageal muscles and sphincters (valves) are working can be helpful in making a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

How is the esophageal manometry performed?
  • The test is performed in the office.
  • A numbing medication will be administered to your nose and throat which will significantly reduce discomfort during the test.
  • A thin flexible catheter (tube) will be passed into your esophagus through your nose, and you will be asked to swallow small amounts of water. The catheter will take measurements of various muscles’ functioning as you drink the water.
  • Most people experience only minimal discomfort during the test. The test usually lasts less than thirty minutes.
What preparation is required for esophageal manometry?

Your doctor will give you specific instructions for preparing for this test.

Unless instructed otherwise, you will be asked not to eat or drink anything for at least four hours before the test. Failure to follow this instruction will likely result in your procedure being cancelled. Make sure your doctor is aware of all medications you regularly take to make sure none of them could interfere with the test.

What happens after the esophageal manometry test?

Most people only experience minimal side effects following esophageal manometry. You may have a sore throat or stuffy nose, but both should resolve within a few hours. Minor nosebleeds may also occur.

Where is the esophageal manometry performed?

Esophageal manometry is performed in the office.